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第26部分(第1/4 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 我在网游世界成神那些年九州剑隐重生之绿茵女王我能识别万物,但信息是错的官方说,游戏要降临了开局我有神技能潘凤温酒斩吕布?你什么阴间武将网游三国:升级词条,杀敌成至高星河之第二世界全民堡垒暴击系统王者:我激活了信誉分收割系统万古长生:带女友从小木屋开始我的世界,就只有我有金手指国运:都说了,要相信猫猫我上单冠军皮肤选vn关乌兹屁事高手笔记你也是无畏契约高手?都骷髅海了,谁和你单挑啊?深空之影末日游戏的违规者?对,我就是!


Thus I want to meet Audrey Hepburn and express my gratitude and respect to her。 I also want to tell her about my willingness to take her as my role model because of her persistence; her love for her career and her devotion for the needy people around the world。

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Member vs。 leader

The issue whether it is better to be a leader or a member in a group may ignite hot debates among people since opinions vary from person to person。 However; as far as I am concerned; it is better to be a leader rather than a follower。 There are three conspicuous factors listed as follows:

Firstly; being a leader asks for more talent and special ability in dealing with challenges and making decisions。 Obviously in reality; there are few people who can meet the standards of leading a group。 Thus; because of the difficulty of finding a capable substitute; it is less likely for a leader to be superseded in parison with a member。 As a result; being a leader guarantees a higher ine and a stable position in the pany。

Secondly; the position of leader enables one to make full use of his/her own intelligence。 While being a member; one should follow the orders and instructions given by their supervisor even though he or she doesn’t consider them practical。 Which makes things worse; when there is a negative consequence; the blame is placed on all the members of the group instead of the leader。 On the contrary; though meetings may be held for member

诱她哄她,秦爷虔宠心肝宝穿越时空修罗之女 作者:烏鴉柒7给你一片蓝天孤城藏雪重生之极限风流三生三世,十里桃花1