首页 > 游戏竞技 > 富爸爸穷爸爸是骗人的吗 > 第19部分

第19部分(第1/8 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 足球小将,你管这叫17岁?老爸用我照片网恋,富婆找我奔现!生存游戏升级日常篮坛:我在NBA加点成超巨超!猛萌召唤师说好的水灵根,你批量生产神器?篮坛之史上最强GOAT足球:我从小就是天才开局获得满级速度,杀穿五大联赛领主求生:我有暗区突围系统说好全民求生,你来海岛度假开局退婚十个未婚妻庸者NBA王牌经理:先组一套全明星网游之死灵法师:我杀怪就变强边路天王星穹之上与光同行全职明星网游:从一场邂逅开始开局系统已坏,只好带威少拿冠军

ive and who will die?〃 They make those decisions purely on how much money they have and how old the patients are。 If the patient is old; they often will give the medical care to someone younger。 The older poor patient gets put to the back of the line。 So just as the rich can afford better education; the rich will be able to keep themselves alive; while those who have little wealth will die。

So I wonder; are workers looking into the future or just until their next paycheck; never questioning where they are headed?

When I speak to adults who want to earn more money; I always remend the same thing。 I suggest taking a long view of their life。 Instead of simply working for the money and security; which I admit are important; I suggest they take a second job that will teach them a second skill。 Often I remend joining a work marketing pany; also called multilevel marketing; if they want to learn sales skills。 Some of these panies have excellent training programs that help people get over their fear of failure and rejection; which are the main reasons people /j are unsuccessful。 Education is more valuable than money; in the long run。

When I offer this suggestion; I often hear in response; 〃Oh that is too much hassle;〃 or 〃I only want to do what I am interested in。〃

To the statement of 〃It's too much of a hassle;〃 I ask; 〃So you would ; rather work all your life giving 50 percent of what you earn to the government'〃 To the other statement…〃I only do w

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