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第8部分(第1/8 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 足球小将,你管这叫17岁?老爸用我照片网恋,富婆找我奔现!生存游戏升级日常篮坛:我在NBA加点成超巨超!猛萌召唤师说好的水灵根,你批量生产神器?篮坛之史上最强GOAT足球:我从小就是天才开局获得满级速度,杀穿五大联赛领主求生:我有暗区突围系统说好全民求生,你来海岛度假开局退婚十个未婚妻庸者NBA王牌经理:先组一套全明星网游之死灵法师:我杀怪就变强边路天王星穹之上与光同行全职明星网游:从一场邂逅开始开局系统已坏,只好带威少拿冠军

〃So is a poor man happier?〃 I asked。

〃No; I don't think so;〃 replied rich dad。 〃The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money。〃

As if on cue; the town derelict went past our table; stopping by the large rubbish can and rummaging around in it。 The three of us watched him with great interest; when before we probably would have just ignored him。

Rich dad pulled a dollar out of his wallet and gestured to the older man。 Seeing the money; the derelict came over immediately; took the bill; thanked rich dad profusely and hurried off ecstatic with his good fortune。

〃He's not much different from most of my employees;〃 said rich dad。 〃I've met so many people who say; ‘Oh; I'm not interested in money。' Yet they'll work at a job for eight hours a day。 That's a denial of truth。 If they weren't interested in money; then why are they working? That kind of thinking is probably more psychotic than a person who hoards money。〃

As I sat there listening to my rich dad; my mind was flashing back to the countless times my own dad said; 〃I'm not interested in money。〃 He said those words often。 He also covered himself by always saying; 〃I work because I love my job。〃

〃So what do we do?〃 I asked。 〃Not work for money until all traces of fear and greed are gone?〃

〃No; that would be a waste of time;〃 said rich dad。 〃Emotions are what make us human。 Make us real。 The word ‘emotion' stands for energy in motion。 Be truthful about y

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