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附录IV 虎鲸攻击人的记录(第4/9 页)

最新玄幻魔法小说: 我家有个修仙界大涅盘时代玄幻:剑戮玄苍重生冥河:什么吃瓜?是爆瓜系统无敌推演,从凡人开始武道登顶贺总为白月光取消订婚,我不嫁了离婚后,我被坑上恋综,前妻急了漂亮后妈要翻身,我在七零养崽崽团宠崽崽上房揭瓦指南剑断万古,一剑无极!冰封千年醒来竟成了蛮荒古神阵压诸仙,且以雷霆撼动乞命浮生路家族种田崛起成为诸天万界大族无双废柴异世娇宠,种种田生生崽冥河主宰传说镇世魔帝云天造化决天道欠我一袋米

sive towards a visiting reporter at Seven Seas marine Life park, beaching herself in an attempt to lunge at him. She had to be returned to her pool with a crane.

In the early 1970s, a trainer at Seven Seas marine Life park, Larry Lawrence, was raked by Nootka. he had to receive 145 stitches in his left leg.

on may 2, 1978, another marineland of the pacific trainer, 27-year-old Jill Stratton, was nearly drowned when the 10-year-old orky II suddenly grabbed her and dragged her to the bottom of the tank, holding her there for nearly four minutes.

on may 22nd, 1978, Seaworld trainer Greg williams was bitten on the legs by the park's killer whale winston. he was hospitalized with minor injuries.

In the 1970s, a marine world california trainer, dave worcester, was dragged to the bottom of the tank by the park's young male orca Nepo.

In the 1970s, a Vancouver Aquarium trainer, doug pemberton, recalls that,“Skana once showed her dislike by dragging a trainer around the pool. her teeth sank into his wetsuit but missed his leg.“ pemberton described both young female Skana and her male panion hyak II as “moody“ but stated that Skana was the dominant animal in the pool.“She is capable of changing moods in minutes“.


on February 23, 1984, a 7-year-old female orca by the name of Kandu V grabbed a Seaworld california trainer, Joanne hay, and pinned her against a tank wall during a performance. hay was only released after another trainer

