首页 > 游戏竞技 > 不让你的眼泪陪我过夜孙楠 > 第6部分

第6部分(第1/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 你也是无畏契约高手?都骷髅海了,谁和你单挑啊?深空之影末日游戏的违规者?对,我就是!文化入侵修真界龙只想水群,不爱待在洪荒木叶教书,然后立于天之上怪猎:这条火龙有特性超武纪元升维前序,踏上修仙路领主:小小猿人踏碎文明深渊一个中年男人的领主战争KPL:少年未尽意气绝不止于此美食游戏:靠吃来升级退休,然后进入逃生游戏梦幻西游:从荆州古城开区开始开局甲级联赛,重组晋级LPL!NBA看谁都是慢动作,打爆联盟理综挂科后我被迫屠龙了求生游戏:这个辅助系强的过分

2。a。m。and the rain is falling

here we are at the crossroads once again

you’re telling me you’re so confused

you can't make up your mind

is this meant to be

you're asking me

but only love can say try again or walk away

but i believe for you and me

the sun will shine one day

so I’ll just play my part

and pray you’ll have a change of heart 。

but i can’t make you see it through

that’s something only love can do

in you arms as the dawn is breaking

face to face and a thousand miles apart

I’ve tried my best to make you see

there’s hope beyond the pain

if we give enough … if we learn to trust

but only love can say … try again or walk away

but i believe for you and me

the sun will shine one day

so I’ll just play my part

and pray you’ll have a change of heart

but i can’t make you see it through

that’s something only love can do

i know if I could find the words

to touch you deep inside

you’d give our dream just one more change

don’t let this be our last goodbye

茜湖的心好像在经历三温暖一样,最后在阁楼,那个他们一起看星星的阁楼上找到了亚斯,那里是他们最喜欢的地方,也是他们在心情不好的时候最常呆的地方,那里有他们全部的回忆???????? ??? ???




