第229頁(第1/5 页)
[10]cfecernoov,&l;duka,od iz istorikov konca vizantii&r;(ducas,one of the historians of the byzante downfall),vv 21(1914),171 ff;willer,&l;the historians doukas and phrantzes&r;,jhs 46(1926),63 ff;vgrecu,pour une illeure nnaissance de l&r;historien doukas&r;,éorial lpetit(1948),128 fffurther bibliography oravcsik,byzantoturcica 1,2nd ed,250 ff
[11]&uul;ller,fhg,v(1870),40-161;english translation,ctriggs,history of hd the neror by kritovoulos,prceton;1954;a critical edition of critob,with an troduction and translation ruanian has been publi射d by vgrecu,critobuli ibriotae de reb per annos 1451-1467 a chete 2 stis,editio acadreippoproaniae,1963on critob and his work see jradonic,&l;kritovul,vizantijskiistorik xv v&r;(critob,a byzante historian of the fifteenth century),glas srpske kralj akad138(1930),59 ff;zvudalva,&l;vizantijskij istorik kritovul o juznych slavjanach i drugich narodach balkanskogo poostrova v xv v&r;(the byzante historian critob on the uthern slavs and other balkan peoples the xvth century),vv 4(1951),91 ffsee al oravcsik,byzantoturcica 1,2nd ed,434 ff
[12]the aount of the fall of nstanle given by the four byzante historians is to be found prted all tother with an troduction ntoadakes,(1453)。,athens,1953aran translation of the aount fro the chron ai attributed to sphrantzes,with troduction and ntary,is given by evivanka,die letzten ta von konstanel byzschichtsschreiber 1,graz-vienna logne,1954for a rsian translation of the aounts o