第35頁(第3/4 页)
à l&r;epéreur arcadios,paris 1951for the work and the pernality of this great rhetorician,cfide,synésios de cyrène,hellène et chrétien,paris 1951
[19]edjhaury,leipzig 1905,1906,1913
[20]on propi and his writgs see the detailed study by brub,prokopios von kaisareia,stuttgart1954(=re,xxii,2), which all the earlier literature is listedsee al the bibliography oravcsik,byzantoturcica 1,496-500
[21]edbgniebuhr cba rsian translation with a detailed troduction is given vlevcenko,agafijo carstrovanii jtiana(agathias,on the reign of jtian),osw-lengrad 1953
[22]&uul;ller,fhg iv,220-69excerpta de legationib,edcde boor(1903),170-221,442-77.
[23]edcde boor,leipzig 1887rsian translation:feofilakt siokatta,istorija,osw 1957
[24]unless otherwise dicated,the bonn rp of byzante historians(cb)is ed
[25]&uul;ller,fhg iv,535-622;v,27-38
[26]edtosen and pyer,i,1,2,2,berl 1905;transcpharr,prceton 1952
[27]stitutionesdista,edpkr&uul;r,1911;2:dex jtian,edpkr&uul;r,1906;novellae,ed rscholl-gkroll,1912
[28]edoseeck,berl 1876
[29]edrw&uul;nsch,leipzig 1903on the datg of the work see ste,bas-epire,729 ff,838 ff
[30]cfste,bas-epire,723 ff
[31]the only plete edition of this iportant work is by jscheffer,upsala 1664on the uch disputed estion of its date see oravcsik,byzantoturcica 1,417 ffand vizantiski izvori 1,128
[32]cfnhbaynes the hellenistic civilization and eas