第41頁(第2/4 页)
easy to decide when the party of the greens abandoned phocasyjanssens,opcit,515 ff,akes a detailed attept to argue that the greens&r;break with phocas was as early as 603see al jkulakovskij,&l;k kritike izvestij feofana o posledne gode pravlenija foki&r;(a critical exaation of theophanes on the last year of phocas&r;reign),5521(1914),9 fon the other hand,ost scholars put the proscription of the greens towards the end of phocas&r;reignsee al bury,later roepire 21,204;pareti,&l;verdi e azzuri ai tepi di foca&r;,studi italiani di filolclass19(1912)305 ff;nhbaynes,&l;the suesrs of jtian&r;,h 2(1913)286;dolr,reg159djakonov,opcit,223 ff,has recently ade an exhative attept to show that the greens were fally disbanded by phocas 609(al levcenko,&l;vey i prasy v vizantii v 5-7 vv&r;(bes and greens byzantiu fro the fifth to the seventh centuries),5526(1947),177 ff,who repeats djakonov&r;s argunt,often alost word for word)the iportant estion is,however,not uch which year the break beeen phocas and the greens ca,as the fact that it was the antagonis of the greens which ntributed decisively to phocas&r;fall,for they turned agast hi with great bitterness at the critical pot and decided for heraclial the orthodox and pro-roan ephasis of phocas&r;elesiastical policy,which is of ore iprotance than djakonov allows(&l;vizdiy&r;225,likewise levcenko,opcit179 alost identical words),does not argue for&l;green&r;sypathies
[135]there are vivid descriptions nteporary ruces of the anarchic