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第23部分(第1/4 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 菜鸟小凡的游戏生涯海上开局两脚地,别人求生我求神我转投章邯再建大秦,刘邦哭麻了人在斩神,我能窃取神明词条怪物来了都地狱游戏了,谁还当人啊御兽飞升NBA:天赋拉满,带着卡特夺冠射程没有上限,起手就是洲际导弹网游:每天获得士兵不过分吧求生:开局战五渣,全靠宠物带躺我的弟子遍布全球修改器玩家的旅途求生:从一座破铁屋开始网游,我的运气有亿点点好网游之异世入侵我在游戏里当造物主网游:诸位,我只想当个好人木筏求生,重生把前男友喂鲨鱼游戏巅峰:神域之战

But whatever it means; it is a rather rare gift; and I believe it has a positive effect on the creative capacities of New Yorker—for creation is in part merely the business of forgoing the great and small distractions。

Although New York often imparts a feeling of great forlornness or forsakenness; it seldom seems dead or unresourceful; and you always feel that either by shifting your location ten blocks or by reducing your fortune by five dollars you can experience rejuvenation。 Many people who have no real independence of spirit depend on the city’s tremendous variety and sources of excitement for spiritual sustenance and maintenance of morale。 In the country there are a few chances of sudden rejuvenation—a shift in weather; perhaps; or something arriving in the mail。 But in New York the chances are endless。 I think that although many persons are here from some excess of spirit (which caused them to break away from their small town); some; too; are here from a deficiency of spirit; who find in New York a protection; or an easy substitution。

There are roughly three New Yorks。 There is; first; the New York of the man or woman who was born here; who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable。 Second; there is the New York of the muter—the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night。 Third; there is the New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of som
