第239頁(第2/4 页)
azarevica&rdo;od konstanta filozofa&r;(a 插pter fro nstante the philopher&r;s life of stephen lazarevic),hriscanski zivot 6(1927),138 ff,and dic,&l;hronika sen-deniskog kadjera kao izvor za bojeve na kovu i rovaa&r;(the chronicle of the onks of stdenis as a urce for the battles of kovo and rove),prilozi za knjizevnost,jezik,istoriju i folklor 17(1937),51 ffbabr,beitra 3 ff,relyg on turkish urces,nsiders that the oute of the battle was decisiveit has been establi射d beyond doubt that the date of the battle of rove was not on 10 october 1394(as forrly held)but on 17 ay 1395,sce this is the date of the death of nstante dragas who fell the fight;cfdjradojicic,opcit,and&l;la chronologie de la bataille de rove&r;,revue histdu sud-est europ5(1928),136 ffthis escapable ncsion is strengthened by the argunts of dic,opcit,and is no way weakened by the nts of babr,beitra 3 ff,who supports the year 1393radojicic&r;s chronology is rightly followed by zakythos,despotat i,153,note 3,and loenertz,&l;péloponèse&r;175 and passicfal vlaurent,reb 5(1947),180,note 3,and 6(1948),282
[224]cfgklg,die schlacht bei nikopolis i jahre 1396,dissberl 1906;asatiya,the crade of nipolis,london 1934;rrosetti,&l;the battle of nipolis(1396)&r;,slavonic review 15(1937),629 ff
[225]cfthe description the travel book of the bavarian schiltberr who fought the battle of nipolis and was taken prer,edvlangantel(t&uul;bn 1885),7
[226]cfjhordtann,&l;die erste eroberung von athen durch