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第14部分(第1/8 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 永劫:决赛替补开局爆杀绝代双骄重生之李氏仙路穿越:逆袭篮球之星我的精灵训练家模拟器姑娘使不得啊网游:开局霸占富豪榜!末世网游:开局唯一超神级天赋影视编辑器我叫佐助,从火影首富制霸诸天无敌装备修改器斗罗世界的巫师网游之暗黑风云诡雾求生:我能返回现实世界足坛称雄:我有系统称霸欧陆足坛极限伏天我来自惩罚世界梦幻世界天堂地狱网游之天地人间热刺之魂CSGO教练我想学白给

Brutal stepped around the chair so that Toot could see him。 〃Arlen Bitterbuck; you have been condemned to die in the electric chair; sentence passed by a jury of your peers and imposed by a judge in good standing in this state。 God save the people of this state。 Do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out?〃

〃Yeah;〃 Toot said; eyes gleaming; lips bunched in a toothless happy grin。 〃I want a fried chicken dinner with gravy on the taters; I want to shit in your hat; and I got to have Mae West sit on my face; because I am one horny motherfucker。〃

Brutal tried to hold onto his stem expression; but it was impossible。 He threw back his head and began laughing。 Dean collapsed onto the edge of the platform like he'd been gutshot; head down between his knees; howling like a coyote; with one hand clapped to his brow as if to keep his brains in there where they belonged。 Harry was knocking his own head against the wall and going huh…huh…huh as if he had a glob of food stuck in his throat。 Even Jack Van Hay; a man not known for his sense of humor; was laughing。 I felt like it myself; of course I did; but controlled it somehow。 Tomorrow night it was going to be for real; and a man would die there where Toot…Toot was sitting。

〃Shut up; Brutal;〃 I said。 〃You too; Dean。 Harry and Toot; the next remark like that to e out of your mouth will be your last。 I'll have Van Hay roll on two for real。〃

Toot gave me a grin as if to say that was a good 'un; 
