第231頁(第3/5 页)
ische praktika des 14jahrhunderts f&uul;r das athoskloster iberon,abhdbayerakaddwissenschnf28,1949;vos,&l;akti iz svetogorskih arhiva&r;(docunts fro the archives of the holy ounta),sponik srpske akadnauka 91,1939;vos-avre,supplenta ad acta chilandarii,ljublijana 1948cfabove,p282,note 2,for details of the ost iportant older publicationsa llection of the greek docunts of serbian rulers is given by alovjev and vos,grcke povelje srpskih vladara(greek 插rters of the serbian rulers),belgrade 1936,with a vaable ntary on technical ters
[44]nja,notes et extraits pour servir à l&r;histoire des croisades au xve siècle,6 vols,paris 1899-1916
[45]fthiriet,réstes des délibérations du sénat de venise ncernant la roanie 1-3,paris-la haye,1958-61
[46]illibro dei nti di giao badoer,edudoriand tbertelè,ro,1956an terestg urce for enoic nditions and the currency of the late byzante period is to befound e byzantisches rechenbuch des 15jahrhunderts,edhhunr and kvol,denkschriften der?sterrakaddwissenschphilos-histkl,vol78,pt2vienna 1963
[47]ration on the rights and authority of the -eperor is given i插el 8&r;s prostaga of noveber 1272;cfabove,pp422 and 457
[48]pseudo-d 86on this cffdolr,bz 33(1933),141,ostrogorsky,&l;avtokrator&r;108 ff,117 ff,and annales de l&r;stitut kondakov 10(1938),179 ff,where it is shown that the title of autocrator was not applied to -eperors before the palaeologian period