首页 > 游戏竞技 > 绿里奇迹电影国语版 > 第21部分

第21部分(第1/8 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 永劫:决赛替补开局爆杀绝代双骄重生之李氏仙路穿越:逆袭篮球之星我的精灵训练家模拟器姑娘使不得啊网游:开局霸占富豪榜!末世网游:开局唯一超神级天赋影视编辑器我叫佐助,从火影首富制霸诸天无敌装备修改器斗罗世界的巫师网游之暗黑风云诡雾求生:我能返回现实世界足坛称雄:我有系统称霸欧陆足坛极限伏天我来自惩罚世界梦幻世界天堂地狱网游之天地人间热刺之魂CSGO教练我想学白给

fection which had so troubled my life in the fall of 1932 … the fall of John Coffey; Percy Wetmore; and Mr。 Jingles; the trained mouse。

The fall of William Wharton; it had been; too。

〃Paul!〃 Elaine cried; and hurried over to me hurried as fast as the rusty nails and ground glass in her hips would allow; anyway。 〃Paul; what's wrong?〃

〃I'll be all right;〃 I said; but the words didn't sound very convincing … they came out all uneven; through teeth that wanted to chatter。 〃Just give me a minute or two; I'll be right as rain。〃

She sat next to me and put her arm around my shoulders。 〃I'm sure;〃 she said。 〃But what happened? For heaven's sake; Paul; you look like you saw a ghost。〃

I did; I thought; and didn't realize until her eyes widened that I'd said it out loud。

〃Not really。〃 I said; and patted her hand (gently … so gently!)。 〃But for a minute。 Elaine God!〃

〃Was it from the time when you were a guard at the prison?〃 she asked。 〃The time that you've been writing about in the solarium?〃

I nodded。 〃I worked on our version of Death Row … 〃

〃I know … 〃

〃Only we called it the Green Mile。 Because of the linoleum on the floor。 In the fall of '32; we got this fellow … we got this wildman … named William Wharton。 Liked to think of himself as Billy the Kid; even had it tattooed on his arm。 Just a kid; but dangerous。 I can still remember what Curtis Anderson … he was the assistant warden back in those days … wrote abo
