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第4部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 永劫:决赛替补开局爆杀绝代双骄重生之李氏仙路穿越:逆袭篮球之星我的精灵训练家模拟器姑娘使不得啊网游:开局霸占富豪榜!末世网游:开局唯一超神级天赋影视编辑器我叫佐助,从火影首富制霸诸天无敌装备修改器斗罗世界的巫师网游之暗黑风云诡雾求生:我能返回现实世界足坛称雄:我有系统称霸欧陆足坛极限伏天我来自惩罚世界梦幻世界天堂地狱网游之天地人间热刺之魂CSGO教练我想学白给

t Parts of Conversation; the well…dress’d Dishes; the Goodness of the Wines; the fine Weather; & c。; and enjoy all with Chearfulness。 Those who are to be unhappy think & speak only of the contraries。 Hence they are continually discontented themselves; and by their Remarks sour the Pleasures of Society; offend personally many People; and make themselves everywhere disagreeable。 If this Turn of Mind was founded in Nature; such unhappy Persons would be the more to be pitied。 But as the Disposition to criticize; & be disgusted; is perhaps taken up originally by Imitation; and is unawares grown into a Habit; which tho’ at present strong may nevertheless be cured when those who have it are convinc’d of its bad Effects on their Felicity; I hope this little Admonition may be of Service to them; and put them on changing a Habit; which tho’in the Exercise it is chiefly an Act of Imagination yet has serious Consequences in Life; as it brings on real Griefs and Misfortunes。 For as many are offended by; & nobody well loves this Sort of People; no one shows them more than the most mon civility and respect; and scarcely that; and this frequently puts them out of humour; and draws them into disputes and contentions。 If they aim at obtaining some advantage in rank of fortune; nobody wishes them success; or will stir a step; or speak a word; to favour their pretensions。 If they incur public censure or disgrace; no one will defend or excuse; and many join to aggravate their misconduct; and 
