首页 > 游戏竞技 > 君主论-the prince(英文版) > 第5部分

第5部分(第1/8 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 要成为冠军的我们修仙回来后,我靠算命攒下农场制皮百年,我成了魔门巨头谁公认的历史第一大前锋?我是上单啊,怎么成顶级射手了天赋百分比斩杀,我反手攻速拉满传奇,从继承校花老婆开始气运之子之我能赋予系统遗失的奇妙世界我就想好好玩个游戏啊我,厨傲天,要开始异界求生了天选者的探险日记虚境游戏:半枯半荣菜鸟少女的传说之路开局充值百亿,获得无上天赋!CSGO之黄金年代穿越到游戏,成为副本Boss星际手游反馈战舰?我氪出百万舰求生困难,关我方块人啥事?你们管这叫游戏

fty spirit andfar…reaching aims; could not have regulated his conduct otherwise; andonly the shortness of the life of Alexander and his own sicknessfrustrated his designs。 Therefore; he who considers it necessary tosecure himself in his new principality; to win friends; to overeeither by force or fraud; to make himself beloved and feared by thepeople; to be followed and revered by the soldiers; to exterminate thosewho have power or reason to hurt him; to change the old order of thingsfor new; to be severe and gracious; magnanimous and liberal; to destroya disloyal soldiery and to create new; to maintain friendship with kingsand princes in such a way that they must help him with zeal and offendwith caution; cannot find a more lively example than the actions of thisman。Only can he be blamed for the election of Julius II; in whom he made abad choice; because; as is said; not being able to elect a Pope to hisown mind; he could have hindered any other from being elected Pope; andhe ought never to have consented to the election of any cardinal whom hehad injured or who had cause to fear him if they became pontiffs。 Formen injure either from fear or hatred。 Those whom he had injured;amongst others; were San Pietro ad Vincula; Colonna; San Giorgio; andAscanio。 '1' Any one of the others; on being Pope; would have had tofear him; Rouen and the Spaniards excepted; the latter from theirrelationship and obligations; the former from his influence; the kingdomof France having relations 
