首页 > 游戏竞技 > 君主论-the prince(英文版) > 第13部分

第13部分(第1/8 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 要成为冠军的我们修仙回来后,我靠算命攒下农场制皮百年,我成了魔门巨头谁公认的历史第一大前锋?我是上单啊,怎么成顶级射手了天赋百分比斩杀,我反手攻速拉满传奇,从继承校花老婆开始气运之子之我能赋予系统遗失的奇妙世界我就想好好玩个游戏啊我,厨傲天,要开始异界求生了天选者的探险日记虚境游戏:半枯半荣菜鸟少女的传说之路开局充值百亿,获得无上天赋!CSGO之黄金年代穿越到游戏,成为副本Boss星际手游反馈战舰?我氪出百万舰求生困难,关我方块人啥事?你们管这叫游戏

will be tightly held toserve the prince with fidelity; inasmuch as they know it to be verynecessary for them to cancel by deeds the bad impression which he hadformed of them; and thus the prince always extracts more profit fromthem than from those who; serving him in too much security; may neglecthis affairs。 And since the matter demands it; I must not fail to warn aprince; who by means of secret favours has acquired a new state; that hemust well consider the reasons which induced those to favour him who didso; and if it be not a natural affection towards him; but onlydiscontent with their government; then he will only keep them friendlywith great trouble and difficulty; for it will be impossible to satisfythem。 And weighing well the reasons for this in those examples which canbe taken from ancient and modern affairs; we shall find that it iseasier for the prince to make friends of those men who were contentedunder the former government; and are therefore his enemies; than ofthose who; being discontented with it; were favourable to him andencouraged him to seize it。6。 It has been a custom with princes; in order to hold their states moresecurely; to build fortresses that may serve as a bridle and bit tothose who might design to work against them; and as a place of refugefrom a first attack。 I praise this system because it has been made useof formerly。 Notwithstanding that; Messer Nicolo Vitelli in our timeshas been seen to demolish two fortresses in Citta di Castello so th
