首页 > 游戏竞技 > 世界上最动人的书信(常春藤英语书系)(全新中英文对照版) > 第18部分

第18部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游神豪,只是多氪了亿点而已暗区:卡莫纳第三帝国一心想躺赢的我跑偏了网游:盲人刺客杀穿异界网游之箭神无双领主:开局九阶大天使九阶大魔鬼足球:全网无前任,有也不承认师娘师姐太宠我网游:拾荒少年封神顾总太太把你拉黑了乔若星叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠真伤!NBA模拟器!我十冠王朝!英雄联盟:别放他小丑!足球:拒绝国足,加入克罗地亚联盟之从水管工到LPL冠军绝世萌宝天才娘亲帅炸了废土纪元:第四天灾降临10投必中8,你管这叫中投挂?收手吧,阿祖,外面全是玩家!楚天河秦晓柔

o plain of that angel; nor ought I to cease for an instant to lavish upon her all that which she would disdain。 And should every one of my days have been marked by some sacrifice for her; I should still; at the day of my death have discharged nothing of the infinite debt that my existence owes to her。

Such; my beloved Adele; were the thoughts and resolutions of my mind at this time yesterday。 Today they are still the same。 Only there is mingled with them the certainty of happiness—such great happiness that I cannot think of it without trembling; and scarcely dare to believe in it。

Then it is true that you love me; Adele? Tell me; can I trust in this enchanting idea? Don't you think that I shall end by being insane with joy if ever I can pass the whole of my life at your feet; sure of making you as happy as I shall be myself; sure of being adored by you as you are adored by me? Oh! Your letter has restored peace to me with happiness。 A thousand thanks; Adele; my well beloved angel。 Would that I could prostrate myself before you as before a divinity。 How happy you make me! Adieu; adieu; I shall pass a very happy night dreaming of you。

Sleep well; and allow your husband to take the twelve kisses which you promised him besides all those yet unpromises。

Yours affectionately;


