首页 > 游戏竞技 > 世界上最动人的书信(常春藤英语书系)(全新中英文对照版) > 第6部分

第6部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游神豪,只是多氪了亿点而已暗区:卡莫纳第三帝国一心想躺赢的我跑偏了网游:盲人刺客杀穿异界网游之箭神无双领主:开局九阶大天使九阶大魔鬼足球:全网无前任,有也不承认师娘师姐太宠我网游:拾荒少年封神顾总太太把你拉黑了乔若星叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠叠真伤!NBA模拟器!我十冠王朝!英雄联盟:别放他小丑!足球:拒绝国足,加入克罗地亚联盟之从水管工到LPL冠军绝世萌宝天才娘亲帅炸了废土纪元:第四天灾降临10投必中8,你管这叫中投挂?收手吧,阿祖,外面全是玩家!楚天河秦晓柔

nd carefully。 Think of the future of your children…

And maybe; we shall meet again some time; brother! Take care of yourself; go on living; for the love of God; until we meet。 Perhaps some time we shall embrace each other and recall our youth; our golden time that was; our youth and our hopes; which at this very instant I am tearing out from my heart with my blood; to bury them。

Can it indeed be that I shall never take a pen into my hands? I think that after the four years there may be a possibility。 I shall send you everything that I may write; if I write anything; my God! How many imaginations; lived through by me; created by me anew; will perish; will be extinguished in my brain or will be spilt as poison in my blood! Yes; if I am not allowed to write; I shall perish。 Better fifteen years of prison with a pen in my hands!

Write to me more often; write more details,more; more facts。 In every letter write about all kinds of family details; of trifles; don't forget。 This will give me hope and life。 If you knew how your letters revived me here in the fortress! These last two months and a half; when it was forbidden to write or receive a letter; have been very hard on me …

If anyone has bad memories of me; if I have quarreled with anyone; if I have created in anyone an unpleasant impression— tell them they should forget it; if you manage to meet them。 There is no gall or spite in my soul; I should dearly love to embrace any one of my for
