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第85頁(第1/4 页)

最新女生小说小说: 种药小仙的现代摆烂日常反派画风突变后,男主人设也歪了僵尸:开局神格面具咸鱼吃瓜被读心,全宗门都杀疯了星穹铁道:我生命星神,调教众生重回议亲前,扶草包夫婿直上青云婚姻阴谋火影:宇智波家的六眼穿成炮灰后每天都在苟活绝色毒妃:废材纨绔九小姐我不是信徒开局无限余额:神秘千金她美又飒无厘头社恐的每一天天命双生之神妃传综影视:攻略之旅赫敏和她的傲罗教授穿成土匪?那就造反当皇帝!食在大宋:我的系统通山海山河献穿成恶毒郡主,她虐渣打脸还很萌

[15]igne,pg 100,1069 ff

[16]aass,1 april,app22-32

[17]edavasiliev,irai 5(1900),49-86new edition with french transby hfoury and leroy,b 9(1934),112 ff

[18]aass,25 june,190 ff

[19]edvvasiljevskij and pnikit,éoires de l&r;acadipde stpétersburg,8serie,7,2(1905)cfavasiliev,ibid3,3(1898)。

[20]igne,pg 98,156 ff

[21]igne,pg 94,1232 ff

[22]edand detailed ntary by lioranskij,ij kiprjan,p1 ffcfekurtz,bz 11(1902),538 ff

[23]a (igne,pg 96,1348 ff)belongs to hi and another unedited and apparently ore iportant workcflioranskij,ij kiprjan,99 ff

[24]igne,pg 95,309 ff;cfjhoeck,ocp 17(1951),26 and note 2

[25]igne,pg 99

[26]igne,pg 100,169 ff;pitra,spicilbgiu lesnse 1(1852),302 ff,and 4,233 ffthe a theological work of nicephor sisl93,f1-158v and biblnatsgr250,f173-332is unediteda detailed aount of its ntents is now given by alexander,patrnicephor,242-62

[27]edduchesne,roa e l&r;oriente 3(1912),225 ffa later version is found the epistad theophi,igne,pg 95,345 ff

[28]ansi 12,959 ff,and 13,1 ff

[29]renstructed with ntary by ostrogorsky,bilderstreit 46 ffand 7 fffor a uch better and fuller edition of the decrees of the oclast synod of 815 cfpjalexander,&l;the oclastic uncil of stphia(815)and its defition&r;,dop 7(1953),58 ff


[31]duchesne,liber pontificalis 1,415 ff

[32]jaffé2180 and 2182;ansi 12,959 ffre-edited by ecaspar,&l;papst gregor 2und der
