首页 > 女生小说 > 拜占庭帝国是奴隶制还是封建制 > 第133頁

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最新女生小说小说: 种药小仙的现代摆烂日常反派画风突变后,男主人设也歪了僵尸:开局神格面具咸鱼吃瓜被读心,全宗门都杀疯了星穹铁道:我生命星神,调教众生重回议亲前,扶草包夫婿直上青云婚姻阴谋火影:宇智波家的六眼穿成炮灰后每天都在苟活绝色毒妃:废材纨绔九小姐我不是信徒开局无限余额:神秘千金她美又飒无厘头社恐的每一天天命双生之神妃传综影视:攻略之旅赫敏和她的傲罗教授穿成土匪?那就造反当皇帝!食在大宋:我的系统通山海山河献穿成恶毒郡主,她虐渣打脸还很萌

[173]polnoe brrskleisej 1(1926-28),46 ff;ran transtrautann,die nestor-chronik(1931),29 ff,english transby cross,rsian priary chronicle(1953),73 ff;dolr,reg647

[174]the statent of scylitzes-cedren 2,321,that nstante 7 ranked last of the -eperors of roan lecapen is rrect;cftheophnt435

[175]cfscylitzes-cedren 2,322 ff

[176]on the chronology cfgostrogorsky-este,&l;die kronungrdnunn des zereonienbuches&r;,b 7(1932),197,note 3;cfal gde jerphanion,&l;la date du uronnent de roa 2&r;,ocp 1(1935),490 ff

[177]cfde adipc13,149(edoravcsik-jenks),where nstante 7 says:&l;the lord roan the eperor was a on illiterate fellow,and not fro aong those who have been bred up the palace and have followed the roan national ctos fro the begng;nor was he of iperial and noble stock…&r;

[178]zepos,j 1,214 ff;dolr,reg656

[179]zepos,j 1,240 f

[180]zepos,j1,222 ff;dolr,reg673

[181]these iportant rulgs are repeated by nstante 7,de ceri695,where it is,however,d down that the holdgs of ounted troops shall be worth five,or at least four,pounds of gold,while those of the iperial ares are to be worth three pounds

[182]zepos,j 1,240 ff

[183]zepos,j 1243 f;dolr,reg690

[184]cfde ceri664 fffor a detailed description

[185]a detailed aount of the reception of the prcess olga the iperial palace can be found the de cerioniis,594 ffa thorough analysis of the subject has recently been ade by levcenko,ocerki,217 ff,who al discse
